Rzeszów 2022
Sara CIAPA, Małgorzata ŚLIWKA
Green and blue infrastructure in the urban environment on the example of Kraków
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.1
The use of elements of green and blue infrastructure in the city is becoming an
increasingly popular solution. The reason for such activities is its “multitasking”, that is the
ability to solve many problems that intensively developing cities have to face. Th e a rti cl e
discusses the possibilities offered by the use of elements of green and blue infrastructure i n
the city and its beneficial impact on the environment of urbanized areas. In a d d it io n, t h e
concepts of urban development of Krakow contained in current planning d o cu ment s t h at
concern the prevention of climate change in the city were discussed. An inventory of
completed investments of this type in the city was also made. A survey was also cond uct ed
among the inhabitants of Krakow, which concerned their awareness of the exi st ence a nd
conscious use of both green and water areas.
Kinga GURAK, Kamila SŁYSZ
Environmental education as an element of waste management
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.2
Based on a survey by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the level of knowledge of
the Poles in the field of environmental awareness and behavior was determined. The survey
showed that the respondents are aware of waste separation. In order to increase the
environmental awareness of the society, educational activities were undertaken among
children, youth and adults at different professional levels.
Arkadiusz KAMIŃSKI, Janusz JAKÓBIEC, Andrzej KULCZYCKI, Agnieszka PUSZ, Andrzej SZAŁEK
Fuel distribution facilities – HRS
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.3
The European Commission’s strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 aims at reducing
the consumption of fossil fuels and improve air quality, especially in cities. One way to achieve
this goal is to decarbonize the economy, including the transport sector, w hich i s cruci al fo r
companies in terms of global supply chains. Many experts believe that the zero emission a nd
low emission hydrogen used in electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells is the key t o meeti ng
this challenge in passenger and heavy duty transport including land, sea a nd a ir t ransport.
However, for hydrogen to become a commonly used fuel in transport, it is necessary to develop
the essential infrastructure and adequate legal regulations. The paper presents t he g enesis o f
the creation of hydrogen fuel distribution faci liti es, a nd i ndi cates t he k ey a spects o f t he
implementation of hydrogen fuels in the world, in Europe a nd i n Pol and. Th e p aper a lso
discusses the data available on the number of facilities distributing this type o f fu el o wned b y
gas and oil corporations that want to achieve climate neutrality and, at the same time, h ave t o
provide transport fuels for recipients. It was found that the energy transformation and t he t ype
of energy carriers and motor fuels used to power motor vehicles will be related t o t he change
and evolution of fuel distribution facilities.
The level of public awarness of the application of the “food miles” principles by the inhabitants of the podkarpackie voivodeship
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.4
The conducted survey analyzed the respondents’ knowledge of the princi pl es o f u si n g
“Food Miles” and the implementation of sustainable consumer decisions. It has been
proven that the respondents are aware of the impact of the d i stan ce p rod uct s t ravel t o
reach the consumer, taking care of local food, the way product s a re p a ckag ed a n d t h e
choice of products in economic terms. According to many authors, th e a verage d i st ance
that food has to cover before it goes from the place of production to the plate is up to 1 50 0
miles. This results in an increase both in the price of the product and in g reen house g as
emissions into the atmosphere. Promoting the concept of food miles can lead consumers t o
choose local products, shortening the distance they have to cover, as well as t h e n egat iv e
impact of food transport on the environment.
End of cars life – key issues related to the recycling system
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.5
To achieve the stated goal of the thesis, several research tasks have been pl anned a n d
completed. Detailed account of this research was introduced in three parts of the thesis. In
the first part of the thesis – by way of introduction – the literature discussed is analyzed a s
well as the presentation of the main problems of the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. Th i s
section also introduces the experience of Western European countries in organizing end-of-
life vehicle (ELV) recycling systems. The size and aging of the car market in several
selected EU countries, including Poland, is presented . A q u an ti tat ive a nd q u al it ati ve
analysis of the recovery of waste and recycled materials has been carried out. In t h i s p a rt
of the thesis, the prospects of different recycling methods a n d sp eci fi c w a ste recycli ng
processes, including their environmental and economic aspects, are presented.
Karolina MROCZEK, Weronika PTASIUK, Janusz R. MROCZEK
Selected ecological and ethical-religious aspects of meat consumption
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.6
Of all animal products, the most controversial is the consumption of meat and its role in
human nutrition. Eating meat has been a sign of prosperi ty a nd h i gh so cia l st a tus fo r
centuries. Thanks to its high protein content with an amino acid profile that is beneficial to
the human body, meat, such as milk and eggs, plays an important role in the food economy.
Global economic development leads to an increase in the prosperity o f s o ci eti es a n d a n
increase in the demand for food, including meat. The need to meet the demand for p ro tein
of animal origin is a factor driving the intensification of animal production, which i n t u rn
leads to increased environmental pressure. Unsustainable meat consumpti on a l so ra i ses
ethical questions.
Szymon PELCZAR, Małgorzata ŚLIWKA
Development of renewable energy sources investments in the contex of spatial order and their impact on the landscape
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.7
Although installations to convert renewable energy sources into electricity respond to the challenges of sustainable development, their operation is not without their impact on the environment. The landscape is one of environment components on which renewable energy sources (RES) infrastructure effects. The article presents a possible location for investments in wind and photovoltaic power plants based on legal requirements. The areas in which they are most frequently carried out are also mentioned. It was indicated how the infrastructure of photovoltaic and wind power plants affects spatial order and landscape.
Oat grain (Avena sativa L) and its possible use as an alternative source of energy
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.8
The use of renewable energy sources brings great benefits. Interest in biomass is
growing -, because conventional energy significantly burdens the natural environment, and
resources of fossil fuels are rapidly decreasing. Surplus cereal grains or grains that do n o t
meet quality requirements can be used for energy production. For this reaso n, t h e a i m o f
the work was to conduct research and evaluate the use of hulled and naked oat g ra ins fo r
energy purposes. The calorific value of grain and its ash content were a na lyzed. On t h e
basis of the conducted research, it was shown that bare forms of oat, compared t o h ull ed
forms, are characterized by more favorable calorific properties. They have mo re fa t a n d
fewer ashes in the grain. Among the analyzed cultivars, Polar and Bingo (n aked fo rms o f
oats) and Krezus (hulled forms) are suitable for energy purposes.
Innovative sustainable solutions in logistics
DOI: 10.15584/pjsd.2022.26.2.9
Changing consumer behavior is an important part of doing b usin ess i n t h e mo d ern
world. Profits, entering new markets, increasing the scale of operations – these are not t h e
only measures of business success nowadays. At least as important is reducing the i mp act
on the environment, working with the community and caring for emp l oyees. Du e t o t h e
development of technology, some processes are almost complet el y a u to mated. Wi t h out
investments in automation and intelligent robotization companies are no longer
competitive. The purpose of the article is to present innovative p ract ices i n l o gi sti cs i n
terms of sustainable development.